Commercialization of science-certified results as the
engine of progress
Dr. Evgeny Ruzaev,
NQA-Russia Certification & Training
Current situation
NQA-Russia Certification & Training has certified more than 50
educational and research organizations in Russia and Kazakhstan (universities,
colleges, research institutes, innovative enterprises). Based on this
indicator, nowadays NQA-Russia is the leading certification body in the Russian
Great experience of working with universities has been gained: educational
courses, seminars, forums, conferences, certification services.
Cooperation agreements have been signed with 3 universities
in Russia (Voronezh, Samara, Khabarovsk), in Germany (Saarland, Stuttgart,
Berlin …, in Switzerland.
9 auditors from partner universities have been trained
(«ISO 9000 Auditor/ Lead auditor. Training course», registered in IRCA).
4 auditors of NQA-Russia have had EAC CODE 37/QMS CODE
Joint research projects have been implemented:
- Certifying a group of innovation enterprises of
Tomsk region (17 organizations) in
collaboration with Tomsk Regional Authorities;
- Developing a certification scheme of the e-health of Kemerovo region
(authorities, medical organizations, medical university, insurance companies)
in collaboration with Kemerovo Regional Authorities;
- Developing the training course “Business Analysis” in collaboration with
the Institute for Information Systems (IWI, Germany).

Fig. 1
Development Prospects
to expand the geography in the main regions of the Russian Federation
and attract new clients for certification,
ü to organize
experience exchange between universities, research institutions, partner
ü to gain additional
financing (grants, funds) for caring out joint scientific research projects with
the institutes of higher education and partner organizations.
The purpose of creating
NQA Academic
NQA Academic
ü summarizing the
experience of NQA international offices concerning the work with educational
and scientific organizations all around the world,
ü positioning and
advertising NQA brand as a safe partner on the international market,
ü applying a system
approach to solve complicated problems arising in NQA international offices all
over the world,
ü implementing
Research and Development processes in the work of NQA and international offices
to carry out joint projects and examine the possibilities of
getting additional financing.
information on competences of auditors and experts in the sphere of education
and research (matrix of competences),
creating the association of certified universities
complied with ISO 9001,
developing and implementing joint educational programmes
concerning modern management in collaboration with the institutes of higher
involving NQA auditors in teaching activities at the institutes
of higher education,
running joint scientific and educational projects
(conferences, forums, seminars) as well as taking special measures to promote
the certification services.

Fig. 2
Stages of commercialization
ü successful development
of new units of NQA Certification & Training in Samara-AEROSPACE within
Tomsk Cluster Certification.
These units are based
on universities, realizing how the principles of the triple helix and the
principles of the dual training within the cluster approach are implemented.

Fig. 3